
Foundation Phase baseline assessments of pupils in reception class in school, 2022

What is the Indicator?

This indicator is the distribution of assessments in Personal & social development, well-being and cultural diversity. Children in Wales are assessed through the Foundation Phase Profile during their first 6 weeks following entry into reception class in primary school. Data is not available for 2020 and 2021 as it was not collected due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. A new curriculum is being rolled out in Wales from September 2022. As a result, data for the academic year 2021 to 2022 relating to the curriculum for Wales 2008 will be the last in the series for this indicator.




Figure 1: Foundation Phase baseline assessments


Description of figure 1:

Bar Chart Description: A filterable bar chart showing that girls were more likely to be at a stage of development that is consistent with or greater than their age (outcome 2 or above) than boys in all areas of learning in 2022



What does the data say?

In personal & social development, well-being and cultural diversity, 64% of pupils are at a stage of development that is consistent with or greater than their age (outcome 2 or above) with 87% of pupils within one stage of the development consistent with their age.



Contact e-mail: school.stats@gov.wales

Last update: September 2022

Next update: No further updates

Source: Foundation Phase baseline assessments, Welsh Government

Designation: Official Statistics

External links and breakdowns by equality groups

Data: [Academic achievement of pupils in Foundation Phase baseline assessment and at Key Stage 3: 2022](https://gov.wales/academic-achievement-pupils-foundation-phase-baseline-assessment-and-key-stage-3-2022)

Further context:

- [Statistical Release](https://gov.wales/statistical-release-foundation-phase-profile-assessment-results-2017/18)

- [Foundation Phase Profile and framework](https://gov.wales/foundation-phase-profile-and-framework)

連絡先メール: school.stats@gov.wales

最終更新: 2022年9月

次回更新: 更新なし

出典: ファウンデーションフェーズのベースライン評価、ウェールズ政府

指定: 公式統計


データ: [ファウンデーションフェーズのベースライン評価およびキーステージ3における児童の学業成績: 2022](https://gov.wales/academic-achievement-pupils-foundation-phase-baseline-assessment-and-key-stage-3-2022)

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