What is the Well-being of Future Generations Act?
The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (WFGA) is the first legislation in the world which requires government and public bodies to consider the long-term impact of their decisions on the well-being of future generations. At this time approx. 12 other countries are planning to enact similar legislation.
In Japan legislative planning at the national level is in progress. Recently local councilors are starting to mention the WFGA in their local assemblies.
The WFGA was the first legislation in the world to enshrine in law a duty, falling on public bodies, to safeguard the well-being of future generations alongside children and youth.
It places sustainable development as the top-level concept. Sustainable development was defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”*.
What happens in the future is intimately connected to what we do now. Our project aims to create a system where people live in harmony with other living things on earth. This is supported by government policy and under the rule of law.
*UN's World Commission for Environment and Development (1987)
Who are we? The Well-being of Future Generations Act Japan Project

We have been working together to encourage the enactment of the WFGA in Japan since July 2022.
We are studying the Welsh experience. It is vitally important to spread the ideas and encourage people take actions for change. Please feel free to join our online workshops and dialogue sessions.
We also work with local councilors to use the concept of the WFGA aiming to realize our objectives from the bottom up. We provide information, create materials, and suggest policy proposals to local councilors.
Why the Well-being of Future Generations Act?

Professor Jusen Asuka
Professor, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University/Tohoku University Graduate School of Environmental Studies
There are two aspects in the WFGA that inspire me.
Firstly it is a system that requires policy makers to think about future generations and to check whether they have carried out appropriate policies. The idea of protecting future generations is not a new one but until now there has been lot of talk but no action.
Secondly everyone should have an opportunity to discuss and think about the kind of community and country they want to live in.
In Wales seven well-being goals were shaped through discussions by the citizens. The WFGA bill currently under consideration in the UK is designed to involve people to decide national goals through dialogue sessions.
The reason why many people in Japan have no interest in politics is that they feel they are excluded and powerless. I am expecting that the WFGA will change this.