
Percentage of people attending or participating in arts, culture or heritage activities at least three times a year

An error has been identified in the arts, culture and heritage indicator based on National Survey results from the 2022-23 fieldwork year (April 2022 to March 2023). Use of archives, libraries, and museums should have been included in the indicator but was not, and so a decrease in participation compared with 2019-20 was incorrectly reported. The revised indicator shows that there was no decrease compared with 2019-20. The figures quoted for this indicator have been revised accordingly, and were republished on 17 November 2023.


What is the Indicator?


This indicator measures the percentage of people who say they have attended or participated in an arts, culture or heritage activity three or more times in the previous 12 months.


The percentage of people attending or participating in arts, culture or heritage activities 3 or more times a year was calculated incorrectly for our 2022-23 results. This has been corrected as of 17/11/23.


Latest result for Wales 72%(r)

Figure 1: Percentage of people attending or participating in arts, culture or heritage activities at least 3 times a year, by age group

ウェールズの最新結果 72%(r)


Description of Figure 1: A filterable bar chart showing the percentages of people who attended or participated in three or more arts, culture or heritage activities, from 2017-18 to 2022-23.

What does the data say? Regular participation in arts, culture and heritage activities tends to be highest among people aged 16 to 44 years old.

Contextual data Questions on arts, heritage, libraries and museums were asked in previous years of the National Survey and a statistical bulletin was published presenting the 2017-18 findings.

Results on attendance and participation at arts events are also published by the Arts Council of Wales. The Children's Omnibus Survey 2016 reports a decrease in attendance at arts events by children and young people compared with 2015.

図1の説明: 2017-18年から2022-23年にかけて、3回以上芸術、文化、遺産活動に参加した人々の割合を示すフィルタ可能な棒グラフ。

データは何を示していますか? 定期的な芸術、文化、遺産活動への参加は、16歳から44歳の人々の間で最も高い傾向があります。

背景データ 過去の全国調査で芸術、遺産、図書館、博物館に関する質問が行われ、2017-18年の調査結果を示す統計公報が発表されました。


Contact e-mail: surveys@gov.wales Last update: July 2023 Next update: July 2025 (provisional) Source: National Survey for Wales, Welsh Government Designation: National Statistics

External links and breakdowns by equality groups Data tables: StatsWales Release: National Survey for Wales headline results: April 2022 to March 2023 Statistical bulletin: Arts, heritage sites, libraries and museums, 2017-18 Background information: About the survey

連絡先メール: surveys@gov.wales 最終更新: 2023年7月 次回更新: 2025年7月(暫定) 出典: ウェールズ全国調査、ウェールズ政府 指定: 国家統計

平等グループ別の外部リンクと内訳 データテーブル: StatsWales リリース: ウェールズ全国調査主要結果: 2022年4月から2023年3月 統計公報: 芸術、遺産サイト、図書館、博物館、2017-18 背景情報: 調査について


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