

What I’ve learnt about climate change since becoming Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, earlier this year, is quite simply frightening. 

There is no doubt that it’s the greatest challenge facing future generations and action is urgently needed across the public sector to reduce our emissions and its impacts.



Last December I was lucky enough to go to the global UN conference (COP21) where almost 200 nations supported the historic “Paris Agreement” to limit global temperature increase to under 2oC (and as close to 1.5oC as possible). 

To date the Agreement has been ratified by 100 countries including the US, China, India and the EU but disappointingly not the UK. Together they represent over 55% of global emissions, which means the Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016.



However the most worrying development means that all this progress could be derailed following the US Presidential election result this week, with many saying that Donald Trump will withdraw all commitment to the Paris Agreement believing that climate change is a hoax.


This week, countries are getting together again for COP22 – to discuss how they can accelerate action to deliver these commitments.  Wales’ Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths AM, will be going to raise the profile of Wales’ contribution to the international agenda by highlighting their strategic and innovative approach to the United Nations key work streams on climate change, sustainable development and biological diversity.  
The conference is a major opportunity to showcase how Wales is already putting the UN’s objectives into practice through its legislative programme.

今週、各国はCOP22に向けて再び集まり、これらの公約を実現するためにどのように行動を加速させるかについて議論しています。 ウェールズの環境・農村問題担当大臣レスリー・グリフィスは、気候変動、持続可能な開発、生物多様性に関する国連の主要な作業の流れに対するウェールズの戦略的・革新的アプローチを強調することにより、国際課題に対するウェールズの貢献度を高めるつもりである。


But a recent report by leading experts warn that these targets will be missed and the planet’s average temperature will rise by 2oC by 2050. By the time my eldest child is 50 we will be witnessing the consequences of our collective failure to cut emissions with flooding and storms, droughts and wildfires causing global havoc.


This year has smashed previous temperature records – according to Nasa the first half of 2016 was 1.3oC warmer than the pre-industrial era of the late 19th century (although this figure was inflated by the el Nino effect). 
Every month for the last 14 has broken the record average global temperature.  Weather-related events due to climate change have doubled in number since 1990; reaching the 2oC rise means an additional doubling in the number of weather events, which will impact on infrastructure and services, water resources, food production and human health. 
Some of the impacts of climate change may be beneficial, while most will not, negatively impacting lives and livelihoods everywhere.


過去14年間、すべての月で世界の平均気温の記録を更新しています。 気候変動に起因する気象現象は、1990年以降、その数が倍増しています。2℃上昇に達するということは、気象現象の数がさらに倍増し、インフラやサービス、水資源、食糧生産、人間の健康に影響を与えることを意味します。


Wales has two new pieces of legislation to support action on climate change – the first is the Well-being of Future Generations Act which requires public bodies across Wales, including Welsh Government, to contribute to seven well-being goals including a more prosperous, resilient and globally responsible Wales.  


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