Crowd-funding success of JPY 3.7 M from 500 citizens
Kyoto, Japan, October 1st 2023 — Citizen-led initiative to create the Future Generations (Japan) Act raised JPY 3.7M (approx. USD 25,000) from more than 500 citizens in 54 days. The goal is to enact the Future Generations Act in Japan, which requires state and local governments to think about the long-term impact of the laws and regulations, whether they give future generations a good quality of life.
The team plan to make a recommendation at a UN Summit of the Future 2024.
What is the Future Generations Act?
It is a law that requires state and local government to think about the well-being of future
generations and to keep every record. The law has been in force since 2015 in Wales.
There is a growing global trend toward protection of future generations.
Who we are?
An independent citizen-led project launched in July 2022.
To enact the Future Generations Act in Japan by 2030.
And to create a society where citizens with diverse backgrounds discuss important issues from a long-term perspective.
- The future generations declaration to be adopted by more than 500 local governments in
Japan. (There are 1,724 local governments in Japan as of Sept. 2023) - Collect signatures from more than 4.2 million supporters (3.5% of Japan’s population).
Use of funds:
Production of booklet and website.
Cost for lobbying (transportation).

Please contact us for more information:
The Future Generations (Japan) Act Project
KIRA_Activism (KIRA),
Representative director,
NPO Grassroots
Kyoto, Japan
E-mail info@futuregenerations.jp
