
Wales has plans to be a zero-waste nation and the Well-being of Future Generations Act is framing new ways to get there.


Nothing is more important than leaving the world in a better place than we found it for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations. This is why Wales introduced the Well-being of Future Generations Act.


Since it was passed in 2015, the Act has helped to make sure the decisions taken today, create a better tomorrow. In seven short years, the Act has:
- Created the World’s first independent Future Generations Commissioner
- Demanded long-term solutions to some of our biggest challenges
- Encouraged public services collaborate and involve people in decisions that improve our social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being.

- 世界初の独立した将来世代委員会の設立
- 最大の課題に対する長期的な解決策を求めた。
- 公共サービスが協力し、社会的、経済的、環境的、文化的福祉を向上させる意思決定に人々を参加させるよう促した。

There are many examples of where the Well-being of Future Generations Act is changing policy and leading to positive changes on the ground. Going beyond recycling and future-proofing our waste systems being one of them.

将来世代の幸福に関する法律(Well-being of Future Generations Act)」が政策を変え、現場での前向きな変化につながっている例は数多くある。リサイクルにとどまらず、廃棄物システムの将来性を高めることもそのひとつである。

Wales has the third highest recycling rate in the world, proving that this country isn’t prepared to throw its future away.


We have plans to be a zero-waste nation and the Well-being of Future Generations Act is framing new ways to get there.


Wales is showing the rest of the World what can be achieved. And we’ve only just begun.


To learn more about the positive change the Act is inspiring, visit our website: futuregenerations.wales/impact-of-the-Act

この法律がもたらしている前向きな変化についてもっと知りたい方は、私たちのウェブサイトをご覧ください: futuregenerations.wales/impact-of-the-Act

Wales has the third highest recycling rate in the world and by reducing and re-using materials our small country is creating jobs, helping families save money and saving over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 being released each year.


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