A Prosperous Wales

An innovative, productive and low carbon society which recognises the limits of the global environment and therefore uses resources efficiently and proportionately (including acting on climate change); and which develops a skilled and well-educated population in an economy which generates wealth and provides employment opportunities, allowing people to take advantage of the wealth generated through securing decent work.
地球環境の限界を認識し、資源を効率的に使い(気候変動への行動含む)、革新的で生産的な低炭素社会となるウェールズ; 十分な教育を提供し、熟練した技能を持つ人々を育てる。人々は働きがいのある人間らしい仕事を確保し、そこで得られた富が利用可能となる。
While the term ‘prosperous’ is referenced frequently in public body and Public Services Boards’ well-being objectives, its use broadly relates to education, employment, poverty or Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This means they miss some topics highlighted in ‘A Journey to a Prosperous Wales’, which are derived from the full definition of the well-being goal. This includes: decent work, a low carbon society, fair and local procurement, local economies, skills for the future and using resources efficiently (circular economy).
The Commissioner has previously recommended that as city deals and other economic development programmes across Wales move forward, Welsh Government and the local authorities involved must themselves demonstrate how they are applying the Well-being of Future Generations Act. In particular, in reflecting the statutory definition of A Prosperous Wales, as well as making the case to the UK Government for this more progressive framework to be adopted.
コミッショナーは以前、ウェールズ全域のシティディールやその他の経済開発プログラムが前進する際、ウェールズ政府と関係する地方自治体は、「将来世代の幸福に関する法律」をどのように適用しているかを自ら示す必要があると提言している。特に、「豊かなウェールズ(A Prosperous Wales)」の法定定義を反映させ、このより進歩的な枠組みを採用するよう英国政府に働きかけることが必要である。
A journey to
A Prosperous Wales
Fair and local procurement:the machinery of the public sector works.
using procurement to promote inclusive growth
Decent work:
driving practices which allows people to take advantage of the wealth generated through securing decent work
Local economies
supporting inclusive local economies and the foundational economy
Community energy and a low carbon society:
enabling organisations and communities to reduce emissions and use low carbon energy
Skills for the future:
encouraging organisations to develop a skilled population, fit for future technological change
A Journey to A Prosperous Wales
In the Well-being of Future Generations Act,
this goal is defined as
未来世代法(Well-being of Future Generations Act)では、この目標は次のように定義されています。
“An innovative, productive and low carbon society which recognises the limits of the global environment and therefore uses resources efficiently and proportionately (including acting on climate change); and which develops a skilled and well-educated population in an economy which generates wealth and provides employment opportunities, allowing people to take advantage of the wealth generated through
securing decent work.”
2: Decent work
Defining the goal
It’s been over 50 years since Robert Kennedy’s historic speech,
in which he claimed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measured
‘everything except that which makes life worthwhile’.
Despite that, GDP has continued to take centre
stage in the minds of the public and policy makers as the critical measure of progress. Whilst this traditional focus on economic growth has shaped the world we recognise today, it has left many people behind. The world’s richest 1% own 45% of the world’s wealth, whilst here in Wales almost a quarter of people are living in poverty. As the economy expands, so does the resource demand needed to accommodate it. Future generations risk living in a world of stark inequality and an empty bank of natural resources.
What makes Wales unique, is that nowhere in
the Welsh definition of prosperity will you find a
mention of GVA or GDP; our vision of prosperity
looks to measure what matters. Within the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, economic wellbeing is not prioritised over environmental, social or cultural well-being. Our goal of a prosperous Wales is one where people are supported to develop skills and secure decent work, where we procure goods and services in a fair and local way, where the foundational economy generates local wealth and employment, and where we move towards a low carbon society.
未来世代法(Wellbeing of Future Generations Act)では、経済的な幸福が環境、社会、文化的な幸福よりも優先されることはありません。

Defining the goal
Procure goods and services in ways that support economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being
(See prosperous Wales journey topic 1: Fair and Local Procurement)
(prosperous Wales journey topic 1: Fair and Local Procurementをごらんください)
Support fair work practices through employment and services
(See prosperous Wales journey topic 2: Decent work)
(prosperous Wales journey topic 2: Decent workをごらんください。)
Support the foundational economy through generating wealth and providing employment
(See prosperous Wales journey topic 3: Local Economies)
(prosperous Wales journey topic 3: Local Economiesをごらんください。)
Enable a low carbon society through supporting community energy and reducing emissions
(See prosperous Wales journey topic 4: Community energy and a low carbon society)
(prosperous Wales journey topic 4: Community energy and a low carbon societyをごらんください。
Work with others to support the development of skills for the future
(See prosperous Wales journey topic 5: Skills for the Future)
(prosperous Wales journey topic 5: Skills for the Futureをごらんください)
Support innovation to develop an economy fit for the future
(Journey topic on innovation to be explored in next phase
Use resources efficiently, recognising the limits of the global environment
(Journey topic on circular economy to be explored in next phase
Other statutory requirements in relation to this goal
Public sector procurement is subject to the
legal framework set out by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
公共部門の調達は、公契約法(Public Contract Act)に基づく法的枠組のもとで行われます。
公共契約によって定められたPublic Contracts Regulations 2015 によって定められています。
The regulations allow
contracting authorities to consider incorporating
social, ethical and environmental aspects into
specifications, contract conditions and award
criteria. This includes the protection of the
environment, energy efficiency, combating climate
change, promoting innovation, and employment
and social inclusion.
Further information is available at:
The following public contracts regulations are
particularly relevant to the topic of fair and local procurement:
Light Touch Regime (regulations 74 to 77):
offers commissioners who want to maximise
the local benefit of procurement to tailor how
they implement the procurement process for
certain services, in order to accommodate the needs of local providers.
Reserved contracts (Regulation 77):
designed to help third sector organisations to establish themselves and compete to deliver services that have a health,social,educational or cultural dimension.
Reserved contracts 20