Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked, index (UK = 100) What is the Indicator? Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked apportions GVA to the total hours worke...
Percentage of adults with qualifications at the different levels of the National Qualifications Framework What is the Indicator? The percentage of adults of wor...
Percentage of people attending or participating in arts, culture or heritage activities at least three times a year An error has been identified in the arts, cu...
We have published a new strategy,Cymru Can, which sets out our vision and purpose, and outlines five missions that my team and I are putting our energy behind f...
Average capped 9 points score of pupils, including the gap between those who are eligible or are not eligible for free school meals What is the Indicator? The c...
Foundation Phase baseline assessments of pupils in reception class in school, 2022 What is the Indicator? This indicator is the distribution of assessments in P...